How can Catalyst help athletes?
Expert care from a sport psychology specialist
Anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and injuries are some of the most common and difficult issues facing athletes. While psychological issues can seriously impact your performance, it is important to understand that treatment for mental health disorders is different from performance-based skill acquisition.
In order to recover emotionally, you will need specialized care outside the realm of performance psychology. Of course, you still want to feel connected to a sport psychology specialst who “gets it”. I have worked successfully with high-performing athletes for years, helping them recover from all kinds of emotional disorders and medical conditions.
An approach which integrates several psychology subspecialties
Athletes benefit from my training and experience in several specialty areas. For example, I utilize techniques from my work in health and rehabilitation psychology to help injured athletes. I use my expertise as an eating disorder specialist and nutritionist to help athletes overcome disordered eating. And I use my training in adolescent health psychology and sport psychology to help high school and college athletes.
Tailored interventions for each athlete
No two athletes are alike, and no two treatment plans should be alike either. When I conduct a mental health assessment designed especially for athletes, many factors are considered. For example, your age, sport, social support, family history, stress level, and coping style are all thoughtfully evaluated. This allows for the creation of a comprehensive, customized treatment plan created just for you.